by bdoga | Jun 4, 2019 | development, Tip, WebDevelopment, Wordpress
Easily Create Typeform Like Forms In WordPress Beautifully Elegant Forms, Easily Accomplished The WPForms WordPress Plugin WPForms is an amazing form builder plugin. Here at MacNative we recommend it and feel that it is the best form builder available for wordpress....
by bdoga | May 28, 2012 | IT, Mac-alicious, Open-Source, Utilities
We’ve all seen it, the dreaded “Your Startup Disk is Almost Full” Warning in OS X, which means you have a full hard drive. When that happens there is always the scrambling which we all do, to try and make some more space, or find out what files are...
by bdoga | Mar 17, 2012 | IT, Mac-alicious, Open-Source, Utilities
There are a few utilities that I count as must haves on the mac. And Perian is one of them, whenever I start using a new mac it is one of the first utilities that I ensure is loaded so that all my Quicktime Video Codecs are available for use. So what is Perian, and...
by bdoga | Jan 10, 2012 | general, Mac-alicious, Utilities
Punctuality, one of the most often praised qualities in individuals, is also one of those that most of us lack. But when trying to give a good impression and make things happen, it is probably best to be on ones best behavior, put the best foot forward, and not miss...
by bdoga | Jan 4, 2012 | development, IT, Mac-alicious, Utilities
I know what you’re thinking, why should I care about Regular Expressions? I failed in math and don’t like Simple or Advance expressions, so why would I care about regular ones? Well now is your chance to learn something, and it doesn’t really have...