by bdoga | Jan 31, 2012 | development, Open-Source, WebDevelopment, Wordpress
It’s here folks… the long awaited Today in History Widget WordPress Plugin. Ok so the only person that I know of to be “long awaiting” this plugin is myself. I’ve had it on the drawing board for over a year now. I worked on a commercial...
by bdoga | Jan 30, 2012 | development, Open-Source, projects, Socialize, Wordpress
I know, I know the last three or four posts have been about updates to our Social Crowd wordpress plugin… Don’t worry there will be more of them as we have been pretty active in it’s development over the last several days/weeks. This release fixes a...
by bdoga | Jan 4, 2012 | development, IT, Mac-alicious, Utilities
I know what you’re thinking, why should I care about Regular Expressions? I failed in math and don’t like Simple or Advance expressions, so why would I care about regular ones? Well now is your chance to learn something, and it doesn’t really have...
by bdoga | Dec 16, 2011 | development, WebDevelopment, Wordpress
WordPress 3.3 has just recently been released, and with that release comes the ability to make your content a little more… timeless. For years the basic permalink structure on wordpress contained the year and month, or possibly even the day of your blog posts....
by bdoga | Oct 28, 2011 | IT, Mac-alicious, Utilities
Spirited Away is a sweet little application that helps you manage distractions so that you can remain focused at all times. You’ve been there before, working hard on a project, opening lots of different windows for different applications, and pretty soon you...