by bdoga | Jun 14, 2021 | Apple, general, IT, Tip, Utilities
While helping a co-worker I found what appeared to be the most bizarre behavior on their mac. They had set an entry in their hosts file which pointed a domain at a VPN’d internal network address. Normally this would allow the user to bypass the normal DNS...
by bdoga | Jun 1, 2019 | Apple, IT, Lin-ixian, Tip
I have been using ssh keys for all my ssh authentication for years, but for some reason after upgrading to OSX Mojave I found that my key based authentication would no longer work. So I used the following command to add my ssh key to the keychain and things were...
by bdoga | Nov 27, 2012 | IT, Mac-alicious, Tip, Utilities
If you are like me then when you set something up, like the “Spaces” on your Mac, then you want them to be setup the same way when you go to use them the next time. But in Mac OS X Lion (and presumably Mountain Lion) apple had a seemingly brilliant idea,...
by bdoga | Jun 6, 2012 | IT, Lin-ixian, Mac-alicious, Tip, Utilities, Win-doze
You can do virtually anything on a Mac that you can do with a PC, Office Suites, Photoshop, Programming, Itunes, etc… But every once and a while there is something that comes up that requires a machine running Windows, or possibly even Linux. And for those...
by bdoga | May 28, 2012 | IT, Mac-alicious, Open-Source, Utilities
We’ve all seen it, the dreaded “Your Startup Disk is Almost Full” Warning in OS X, which means you have a full hard drive. When that happens there is always the scrambling which we all do, to try and make some more space, or find out what files are...
by bdoga | Apr 24, 2012 | general, IT, Wordpress
WordPress Plugins to speed up your website are essential. Lets face it we all want to have a lightning fast website. If our site visitors have to wait for more than just a couple of seconds there is a good chance that they have lost their patience and have moved on to...