by bdoga | Jun 4, 2019 | development, Tip, WebDevelopment, Wordpress
Easily Create Typeform Like Forms In WordPress Beautifully Elegant Forms, Easily Accomplished The WPForms WordPress Plugin WPForms is an amazing form builder plugin. Here at MacNative we recommend it and feel that it is the best form builder available for wordpress....
by bdoga | Jun 1, 2012 | general, Mac-alicious, Skype, Tip
Let’s face it, Skype has changed the way most of us communicate. From it’s early years it was the application that allowed many people to first cut their teeth on the usage of VOIP, albeit Skype’s own original VOIP creation. With that innovation came...
by bdoga | May 19, 2012 | Wordpress
WordPress Plugins are very important for the extensibility of your wordpress install. Many WordPress Plugins exist that allow you to tie into different Social Networks around the web. With social media being the rage of the inter-webs, it seems like more and more...
by bdoga | Apr 24, 2012 | general, IT, Wordpress
WordPress Plugins to speed up your website are essential. Lets face it we all want to have a lightning fast website. If our site visitors have to wait for more than just a couple of seconds there is a good chance that they have lost their patience and have moved on to...
by bdoga | Jan 31, 2012 | development, Open-Source, WebDevelopment, Wordpress
It’s here folks… the long awaited Today in History Widget WordPress Plugin. Ok so the only person that I know of to be “long awaiting” this plugin is myself. I’ve had it on the drawing board for over a year now. I worked on a commercial...