by Lavar | Oct 8, 2024 | Apple, MacOS, Tip
If you’re familiar with the Terminal, then you’ll know that familiarity with the sudo is essential. For those who aren’t familiar with sudo, the command tells the system to run any commands following it with administrative privileges. An example use...
by bdoga | Jun 14, 2021 | Apple, general, IT, Tip, Utilities
While helping a co-worker I found what appeared to be the most bizarre behavior on their mac. They had set an entry in their hosts file which pointed a domain at a VPN’d internal network address. Normally this would allow the user to bypass the normal DNS...
by bdoga | Jul 9, 2019 | general, Tip
I looked at so many facebook posts and adds that have had some great use of emojis. And although facebook has finally added most of the emojis to their editors, there are still some places that you cannot get the emoji options. So to make that process easier use this...
by bdoga | Jun 4, 2019 | development, Tip, WebDevelopment, Wordpress
Easily Create Typeform Like Forms In WordPress Beautifully Elegant Forms, Easily Accomplished The WPForms WordPress Plugin WPForms is an amazing form builder plugin. Here at MacNative we recommend it and feel that it is the best form builder available for wordpress....
by bdoga | Jun 1, 2019 | Apple, IT, Lin-ixian, Tip
I have been using ssh keys for all my ssh authentication for years, but for some reason after upgrading to OSX Mojave I found that my key based authentication would no longer work. So I used the following command to add my ssh key to the keychain and things were...
by bdoga | Nov 27, 2012 | IT, Mac-alicious, Tip, Utilities
If you are like me then when you set something up, like the “Spaces” on your Mac, then you want them to be setup the same way when you go to use them the next time. But in Mac OS X Lion (and presumably Mountain Lion) apple had a seemingly brilliant idea,...