Merge Safari Windows into Tabs
When you do a lot of web browsing like I do, you can find yourself inundated with a myriad of different browser windows, each with different content in them. This can easily become overwhelming and even make it virtually impossible to find your way back to information...
Disable Dashboard in Mac OS X
Now you might be thinking why would I want to Disable Dashboard in Mac OSX? Well heres a bit of history... When Apple released Mac OS 10.4 (Tiger) one of the bold new features that it had rolled into it was the "Dashboard", a quick and easy to access part of OS X that...
New Secret Skype Emoticons for your commenting enjoyment
Ok, so we shared some hidden skype emoticons previously, but time marches on. Although those emoticons are super cool to use, Skype has included a new set of secret skype emoticons, that were released with Skype 5.5 for Windows. So for those mac users out there, you...
Virtualbox – Run Windows on Mac and Linux on Mac for Free
You can do virtually anything on a Mac that you can do with a PC, Office Suites, Photoshop, Programming, Itunes, etc... But every once and a while there is something that comes up that requires a machine running Windows, or possibly even Linux. And for those...
Skype Addon Plugins – Top 5 Free for Mac OS X
Let's face it, Skype has changed the way most of us communicate. From it's early years it was the application that allowed many people to first cut their teeth on the usage of VOIP, albeit Skype's own original VOIP creation. With that innovation came an almost...
Full Hard Drive – Top 4 Free Utilities to Help You Take Back Your Disk Space
We've all seen it, the dreaded "Your Startup Disk is Almost Full" Warning in OS X, which means you have a full hard drive. When that happens there is always the scrambling which we all do, to try and make some more space, or find out what files are our biggest Disk...
Get a Skype “Call Me!” Button for your Website or Email
You've probably seen those Skype buttons on peoples websites and emails that show their current status and let you call them by simply clicking on the button. Wether you have seen them or not you are in for a treat, simply adding a little snippet of code to your...
WordPress Plugins – Top 10 Best for Social Media
Wordpress Plugins are very important for the extensibility of your wordpress install. Many Wordpress Plugins exist that allow you to tie into different Social Networks around the web. With social media being the rage of the inter-webs, it seems like more and more...
WordPress Plugins – The Top 3 for Website Caching
Wordpress Plugins to speed up your website are essential. Lets face it we all want to have a lightning fast website. If our site visitors have to wait for more than just a couple of seconds there is a good chance that they have lost their patience and have moved on to...
Quicktime Video Codecs – Perian – Your Video Swiss Army Knife
There are a few utilities that I count as must haves on the mac. And Perian is one of them, whenever I start using a new mac it is one of the first utilities that I ensure is loaded so that all my Quicktime Video Codecs are available for use. So what is Perian, and...